
Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Book Review, The Witches, Roald Dahl

For this term, I have read a book called The Witches By Roald Dahl. It was a book about witches that hate kids and wanted all of them dead, they made a Formula that made every kid turn into a mouse. They did this so that the witches can kill them easier.

Also because a lot of people hate mice and they would put mouse traps all over the place to kill them. The mice were house mice so more people liked them. But then the kid made everyone and the witched turn to mice.  I like this book because it is funny and a long book I would have to give this book a 9/10.

 I selected to read this book because I like all of the other Roald Dahl books so I thought this one might be good. it is a great book, I would recommend it to any age. my favorite part was the part where the kid turned all the witches to mice. The Characters were Grandma Kid and the Witches.
Image result for the witches roald dahl

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Food Testing, Nutrients

Aim: The Aim is to learn about simple or complex sugars, Protein, and foods. and we should try to identify if one food is a complex, simple, protein or carbohydrate food. The food we will be testing on and all of the nutrients are Bread,  Sugar, Egg, Apple, Milk, and Potato.

Hypothesis. What I think is in each foodsFor the Hypothesis, I think That the Bread is a complex, Sugar or lollies is simple sugar an egg would be protein, And Apple would be a Complex, Milk would be a Protein Etc... 

Carbohydrates - Sugar - To make Energy
Protein - For Growth - To repair Muscles
Lipids - Fats & Oils - Insulate/Protect, Organs, Energy

Complex -  Long Slow Energy...

Simple - quick Short energy...

Iodine, we used two drops of iodine in each food...
The Foods, Apple, Banana, Potato.
If the food turned black that means they are a complex sugar
If they turn another color they are a simple sugar
Result: They All seemed to turn black that means they are all Complex

we also put two drops iodine in another bunch of food samples.
Our Test 2 food samples turned yellowish, brownish. that means there are no complex sugars in the foods...

Aim: To test if a sample of food contains protein.

Equipment: Test Tube, Sodium hydroxide, Copper sulfate, Food sample

1. Place about 2ml of the sample into a test tube and add 5 drops of sodium hydroxide
2. Add 5 drops of copper sulfate
3. Skate the test tube gently from side to side

Milk and egg Positive.
Apple, potato, bread, glucose negative

Conclusion I got 4 right, Egg, Milk, apple and bread

Discussion it was fun to do and I would like to do it again but with different foods and chemicals, I learnt what simple and complex sugars and that apples are complex


Monday, 24 February 2020

New Zealand Native Animal

For the past week, we have been doing something for our work, we needed to make a DLO about a native New Zealand animal. me and my partner Tane chose to do the Kiwi bird, there are a lot of facts. We did this task to be resilient and work with new people that you might not work with regularly.

Wednesday, 19 February 2020


Intro - Close up, Spaceman Jumping into the shot, Slow-motion to give the feeling we are in space
- Intro Symbol of the astronaut helmet, covers his face, Represents the barrier August puts between himself & the world.
Music - starts off slow and dreamy then it went upbeat
The tempo & dynamics increase to build energy in the scene.
We hear A radio of Ground control talking to Astronaut
- Next is a tracking shot as we move away from the figure it is now a boy in a helmet jumping on the bed
- Close up Shows us Auggies 'Reality' or view of the world but as we pull back we see the real world.
Dad / Nate "It's like leading a lamb to the slaughter"
Building Suspends as we still haven't seen the boys face.
We don't know what's wrong but Hints its had - Hospital scene, The Helmet, The Tags, School Convo, Auggies dialogue in the voice over
1. Auggie
2. Via
3. Jack
4. Miranda
5. Auggie
Star Wars -  a symbol of Auggie wanting people to treat him normally - A safe place. In the star wars universe, there are lots of weird-looking people so no one stares at them
Seen Auggie 
'Summer' "when being given the choice to be right or to be kind, choose kind."
People were bullying him about his padawan braid so when he got home he Cut it off.

Jack Has a Fight with Julien
Starts at eye level -  Mid/Medium shot
Makes us feel a part of the convo
- Sounds are Diagetic
- Low angle shot as the boy hits the ground, this makes the fight seem more dangerous. moves to close up of the struggle
 - Dutch tilt & low angle makes jack look more aggressive
- Music minor, Quiet, Dynamic - creates focus + intense, Slow Tempo
- Shot in slow-motion so we see the event more clearly

Significant - Shows the theme of popularity / Acceptance. Jack has learned from his mistakes + is standing up for his friend

The Nature Reserve fight scene = 1:29 - 1:32
During fight shots used to make Auggie and & friends bigger - More powerful & the bullies weak & vulnerable. Music had a fast tempo to build intensity.
 Significant - Auggie has grown as a character, he is now willing to stand up for himself.
- friendship, Auggie finally feels accepted when the other boy doesn't have to hide behind a mask anymore.

Long Jump / Fosbury flop

Long Jump

1. Run up is 21 steps
2. Take off will be from the second marker
3. The land will be measured from the back foot
4. Land with both feet together
5. If you are over the second marker when you jump it will be called a foul jump

Fosbury flop

1. Land with your arms and feet facing up. Land on your back
2. When you take off it should on 1 foot
3. When you leave the ground you mush spin around and use your knee to turn

Friday, 14 February 2020

For the past days, I have been back at school my class has been doing a bio poem, there are things. we need to answer,


Wednesday, 12 February 2020

English Film Language

English Film Dictionary
This is task one for the Film study my class is doing for inside and out hurumanu


PE Hurumanu. Athletics Scores

Goal: My goal for Term 1 Athletics is for me to Get better at running and high jump

Shot Put
13 Metres
High Jump
1.4 Metres
Long Jump
3 Metres
100m Sprints


Year 9
Hurumanu 1 - Sustainability - Maths/social science
Hurumanu 2 - Inside and out - English Science
Hurumanu 3 - Chemicals and Chaos - Science/Social Studies
Hurumanu 4 - Money Money Money - Maths/English
Hurumanu 5 - Making Waves - Maths/Science
Hurumanu 6 - Power To People - English/Social Studies
Hurumanu 7 - Sport PE
Hurumanu 8 - Akomanga Hauora - Health

Year 9 Hurumanu Site

Wednesday, 5 February 2020


Today we did Sport Hurumanu. We practised shot put, out teacher taught us to hold the ball you need to hold it with 3 fingers and your thumb,  also you ned your palm he taught us how to throw it, Hold one arm out, and the arm that you are throwing with needs to be up, the ball needs to be under your neck, when it's your time to Put the shot you push out, don't move your wrist

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Self Directed Learner

My Three Goals

1. Get to class on time so I'm not getting told off
2. Go to bed earlier so I'm not tired for the next day
3. Finish work on time so I don't get down in my license