
Monday, 19 October 2020

Niue, Language Week

 Niue Activity

Hello, for the language week, today I have been learning about Niue and facts about them. For the activity, I needed to make a DLO with 5 facts about Niue, here is the poster I made on it. There is a lot more to Niue than you would expect. The size of the country is bigger than you would have thought.

100 word challenge - Dog In A Blanket

Dog In A Blanket

Hello, today in class for my 100-word challenge I wrote about a dog in a blanket.

 There once was a dog with a blanket on his head, he was in a forest, he does not know how he got there, he was asleep happily then woke up in the middle of a forest with a blanket on his head. He is very confused and goes for a walk, he sees a dog park in the distance, he walks towards it and it disappears. Was he hallucinating? Or was someone tricking him and disappearing it every time he got close? He finally found his way out and got home safely to his kind caring family. The End

Thursday, 15 October 2020

How to be an Upstander

Today for our pink shirt day activity we had to read a book about "How To Be An Upstander". So we have to write what to do to help? and what the result would be if we helped.

 1. Action: Support the person that is being bullied.

a. Result:  They may feel better about themselves and gain self-confidence.

2 Action: Interrupt the bully so he stops for a bit.

a. Result: Take the person getting bullied for a walk or something.

3 Action: Let the bully know what they are doing is not okay and they must stop.

a. Result: The bully may say sorry and stop bullying the person.

4 Action: Leave the scene and try to ignore it, tell a teacher.

a. Result: The teacher can sort it before all the damage is done.

4 Action: Give the person getting bullied some support.

a. Result: The bully might back off because now it is a 2v1 against them

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Badge Of Honour - Josh

 Today we read a book called Badge Of Honour, its about 2 school captains. one of them gets into a fight and a teacher finds out. I have added what think happened in the rest of the story. Here is what I think happened in the last part of the story:

Miss Latu walks up to the boys. “What were you doing last night Tomasi?”. “I was at Isaacs's house last night,” Said Tomasi, with a grin on his face. Miss Latu looks confused. “Why do you have a bruise under your eye then?”. Tomasi looks scared and doesn't know what to say. Isaac kicks in and says “we were skateboarding last night and he fell off”. Miss Latu looks confused once again. “Why was I told that you were fighting other people last night?” Miss Latu said. Tomasi is still scared and still doesn't know what to say. “Miss, we are school captains, we would never do anything like that.” Miss Latu says “ok boys I can trust you this time I guess.” Miss Latu walks away and the boys laugh. Luckily Miss Latu didn't hear them and just walked away.

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Pink Shirt Day 2020

Today in Wananga we have been working on a bullying thing about Pink Shirt Day. A kid who was bullied by kids for wearing a pink shirt to school. So there is a story about what happened and how people came to stand up against bullying and try to stop it. 2 men by the name of David and Travis brought a bunch of pink shirts to wear for the day. This is how Pink Shirt Day came along, now it is a well known day all around the world.