Today for our pink shirt day activity we had to read a book about "How To Be An Upstander". So we have to write what to do to help? and what the result would be if we helped.
1. Action: Support the person that is being bullied.
a. Result: They may feel better about themselves and gain self-confidence.
2 Action: Interrupt the bully so he stops for a bit.
a. Result: Take the person getting bullied for a walk or something.
3 Action: Let the bully know what they are doing is not okay and they must stop.
a. Result: The bully may say sorry and stop bullying the person.
4 Action: Leave the scene and try to ignore it, tell a teacher.
a. Result: The teacher can sort it before all the damage is done.
4 Action: Give the person getting bullied some support.
a. Result: The bully might back off because now it is a 2v1 against them