
Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Skittles And Petrie dish


Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.


1. Skittles
2. petrie dish
3. water


Step 1: put the skittles evenly spread on the Petrie dish
Step 2: put water on the Petrie dish
Step 3: put the cover over the Petrie dish
Step 4: watch the skittles
Step 5: the colours will slowly come out of the skittles
Step 6: Take photos

Findings: Write about what happened. What happened is that the skittles colours came out of them and they all went into the middle and formed a rainbow. And then Brodie and I Ate them

Reflection: What have I learnt from this experiment?

What did the colours do? Came out of the skittles and they Went into the middle of the petrie dish
Did the colours mix together? Yes.
Why or why not? because they got shook around And mixed.

Monday, 25 February 2019

Rainbow paper

Rainbow paper


1. filter paper
2. cup
3. Green water based felt pen
4. red waterbased felt pen
5. black waterbased felt pen
6. Water


Step 1: Put a line at the 2-centimetre point of the paper
Step 2: on the other side put a 1-centimetre line
Step 3: put the three colours on the line
Step 4: Fold the little bit of paper from the 2-centimetre line
Step 5: put the paper over the cup
Step 6: pour the water in the cup and wait for the colours to move and mix

Findings: the paper will absorb the water and go up to the colours and they will spread and they will make more and more colours and Spread all across the paper

Reflection: I have learnt that when you put the Water based pens on normal paper the pen will stay in place and then when you put it on filter paper the pen will spread

When We Have A Reliever

When we have a reliever

Today With our reliever I had to comment on three peoples blogs. I managed to get 1 and a half blog comments finished because I was distracted by my friends. But then the bell rang while I was in the middle of one.
When we have guests in our class I should behave good and not get in trouble at all. And also Help them if they don't know what to do.
Next time I won't listen to music and be even more on task so I can get all of my comments done without being distracted by my friends. and just ignore them or tell them I'm trying to work, not talking back to them and starting a conversation

Friday, 22 February 2019

Hurumanu this week

Today we did hurumanu Drama and we got put into groups mine was Tj, Levi, Jesse and I. When it was our turn to go up on stage Tj said "I like Fruits". I said " I like Vegetables". Levi said "I Like Ice cream" and Jesse said "I like lollies". We were doing this because we were learning about healthy and unhealthy foods.

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Filtration - The Dirty Water Experiment

Examples are:

  1.  Coffee Plunger
  2.  kidneys
  3.  Air conditioners
  4. Chlorine filter


1.Filter paper
2.Dirty water
7.cup filter

Process - ( use verbs or doing words in each step )

Step 1

Cut the bottle in Half

Step 2

Put the top half upside down in the bottom half of the bottle


Add layers of Filter paper, sand/pebbles


Get 1 cup of dirty water.


Pour dirty water into the upside down bottle

When my group did it We were successful when the water was coming out a tiny bit but then More started coming out and it was all dirty. This was a good But an unsuccessful Experiment

Monday, 18 February 2019

Home Chemistry, Experiment

This is about the experiment that we did in week 2

Goal: make a chemical reaction

Materials: Baking soda, Tray, 2 cups, Vinegar, Measuring cup.

Mr palmer did a science experiment, he put Vinegar in a cup then he put baking soda. The Chemicals Conjoined together and It Reacted and It became all foamy and fizzed over the top of the cup. after about 10 seconds all the bubbles will pop and The fizz will go down and the experiment will be over. How does That happen?

Friday, 15 February 2019


for the weeks we have been at school we have been doing Hauora, there are 4 dimensions. Four things you can keep healthy, Shower, Clean, eat every day so you don't get hungry, Drink water So you don't get dehydrated

Taha Tinana

Physical Well-being

Taha Wairua
Spiritual well-being

Taha Hinengaro
Mental And Emotional well-being

Taha Whanau
Social wellbeing

Monday, 11 February 2019

CARR Values

This week Ashton, Bryce, Tasharn, Ella And I were working on commitment, Commitment means you are committed to doing something even if you know it is hard you just try you're hardest  We made a video. It worked out pretty well. Bryce did some of the work but sadly he wasn't here. We worked really well together. I reckon we were the best group and in my opinion, commitment is the best out of all the Carr value's

Friday, 8 February 2019

Hurumanu, Drama

In period 2 today we did drama, We were doing freeze frames. I was in a Group with Tamani , Joshua and Hans. This was for Hauora, Our group was doing spiritual Wellbeing so we did a freeze frame of meditating. We thought the best way to do meditating was to cross our legs and put our hands in a clicking position then Relaxing.

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Home chemistry

Home Chemistry
Aim: looking at 10 household chemicals

  1. SALT, Sodium chloride
  2. Surf, Sodium Aluminosilicate
  3. White Vinegar, acedic acid
  4. Baking Soda, Sodium hydrogen carbonate
  5. Baking powder, sodium bicarbonate
  6. Cleaner sodium hydroxide
  7. Detergent, carboxylic
  8. Lemonade, sugar, citric acid
  9. Sugar, Dextrose
10. Citric acid hydroxypropane

Burst, Explode, Chemicals Fizzy, Reaction
Image result for Vinegar And baking soda