
Friday, 26 February 2021

Reflection section T1 W4

This Weeks Reflection

this week has been decent, a bit boring in some classes. But other than that its been good.  in the weekend on Saturday Levi and my friend Hunter are going to stay the night. then on Sunday we will be going to Jellie Park for most of the day. then after that we will probably go back to mine and play some games on our Xbox's. yesterday I went to yaldhurst pool with Levi and we swam for a few hours, the day before that we did the same thing, then on Monday we went to gilberthorpes school and played basketball, we were going to swim there but the pool was locked due to chemical leaks an pump errors. most of the weeks apart from the days I went to the pools, I have been just going home and playing my Xbox. 

I have been reading  book called "Diary of a wimpy kid: Old school". I am only a few chapters into the book at the moment, but the book so far is about a kid who's grandpas comes and stays at their, his grandpa sleeps in his room and he has to go to his little brothers room and sleep in there. Greg, the kid, cut out all devices out of his life and went old school, no devices or anything, therefore he could see what society was really like, He also volunteers to work at the park close to his house

Monday, 22 February 2021

Music through time

Spirituals were songs used to help slaves out of slave states, or just a way to talk to them in hidden messages. they would say something about wade in the water, which means they would use the water/ocean to get out of the slave state. ore they would say something about a railroad and they would use underground railroads. there were no trains, but they called them railroads as a code word. spirituals would lift up the slaves, give them hope. they would be used in weddings and churches if allowed.

Harriet Tubman was a woman who escaped slavery and helped hundreds of slaves escape slavery, she then lead them through an underground railroad that took them to freedom. she used underground railroads. the water so the dogs couldn't smell their scent and hunt them down. Harriet Tubman was five when she god first put to work. she was serving as a housemaid and later on as a field hand, a cooker, and a wood worker. when she was 12 she refused to help punish an enslaved woman, and she suffered a severe head injury after a male threw an iron weight at her head.

My Maps:

Here are lyrics to one of the spirituals and the hidden meaning behind it. 

Chorus: Wade in the Water, wade in 

the water children.

Wade in the Water. God’s gonna trouble the water.
Who are those children all dressed in Red?
God’s gonna trouble the water.
Must be the ones that Moses led.
God’s gonna trouble the water.


Who are those children all dressed in White?
God’s gonna trouble the water.
Must be the ones of the Israelites.
God’s gonna trouble the water.


Who are those children all dressed in Blue?
God’s gonna trouble the water.
Must be the ones that made it through.
God’s gonna trouble the water.

The Hidden meaning to this is that she would use the water to get people out of slavery places. therefore the dogs cant smell their scent and hunt them down because they aren't on land.

My Maps:

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Unwind book.

Hello, today in English we had to guess what a book will be about, here is my hypotheses.

How do you think this story will be written? I feel like it is a futuristic movie where it has been taken over by the government and have to do everything that they are told. I feel like the world will fall apart and that it. I think there will be a huge disaster that wipes out the entire earth, and 2 people are left to survive.because 

the whole earth will unwind and become a 2 person survival.

Where do you think the story will take place? on a deserted island. a big island not a small one. the island has barely any trees, only fish around it, no land animals and only 2 people to survive and make it back to a Utopian. i think the story will be set in the year 3000 or up. when everything is perfect. but there is 1 island that is not Utopian.

Friday, 12 February 2021

Cyber Safety

 Cyber safety is a key part about the internet and what happens on the internet. the web has a lot of hacker groups and you should be cautious on what you do. do not click suspicious links and make your password as secure as you can "uys87df6UFHG__" for example, it is a hard password for hackers to crack and get into your account. Here are 2 posters I made about cyber safety, what is is and how to keep safe 

My summary of cyber safety

 My summary of cyber safety.